Weak nuclear force

                                        Weak Nuclear Force

                 We get a special force in reactions of protons, electrons and neutrons. A proton can change itself in neutron and emit a position with a neutrino. This is  called + decay. A neutron can also change itself in a proton and can emit an electron with an antineutrino. This is called - decay. So the force which is responsible for all these changes is called weak nuclear force.
              Weak nuclear force is responsible for radioactivity of a matter. This force acts on matter particles which have spin ½. Spin ½ means such particles that do not look same if one turns them through two complete revolution. This force does not work on the particles of spin 0, 1, or 2.


              In 1967, Abdus Salam and Weinberg proposed their theories that unified this interaction with the electromagnetic force. According to them, there were three other spin-1 particles in addition to the photons. These particles were known as massive vector bosons that carried the weak force. These particles were called W
+, W- and Z0[Z naught] and each had a mass of around 100 GeV[giga electron volt]. The Weinberg Salam theory exhibit a property known as spontaneous symmetry breaking. It means that what appears to be a number of completely different particles at low energy are in fact found to be all the same type of particle, only in different states. These all particles behave similarly at high energy. This situation is like roulette ball on roulette wheel. At high energies, the ball rolls round and round. But as the energy of the ball decreases, the wheel gets slow and eventually the ball drops in one slot of the wheel. It means, at low energies there are thirty seven different states where the balls can exist because roulette wheel has 37 slots. If we could observe the ball at low energies, we could then think that there were 37 different types of ball.

               In the Weinberg Salam theory, at energies much greater than 100GeV, the three new particles and the photons would all behave in similar manner. But the lower particle energies that occur in most normal situations, this symmetry between the particles would be broken. W+, W- and Z0 would acquire large masses, making the force. They carry a very short range. But when Salam and Weinberg proposed their theory, The particle accelerators were not powerful enough to get the energy of 100GeV. This value of energy was required to produces W+, W- and Z0 particles. However, after 10 years the, prediction of the theory were similar to the experiments. And finally, they both were awarded Nobel Prize with another scientist Sheldon Glashow. 

                 So friends I hope you may like this blog. We will return soon with another interesting blog.
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