The No Boundary Condition Of The Universe

The No Boundary Condition Of The Universe

             Hello friends, in this blog we will discuss on the no boundary condition of the universe. At first, I would like to introduce you from the topic. No boundary condition means a limited space-time. Actually we have some theories that predict the starting of the universe. Let’s discuss on it-

            If we talk about the classical theory of gravity, we find that there are only two ways of starting of the universe, either with the starting of time or with infinite time. But if we talk about the quantum gravity, it shows another way of beginning of the universe, in which the time direction is on same footing as directions in space, it is possible for space-time to be finite in extent and yet to have no singularity that formed a boundary or edge. It is just like the surface of the earth which has only two dimensions and is finite in extent but it doesn’t have any boundary.

               If Euclidean space-time direct back to infinite imaginary time or started at singularity, we would have the same problem as classical theory of specifying the initial state of the universe. But quantum gravity gives another possibility of staring universe. It is important because in no boundary condition, we don’t need singularity for the starting of the universe so there is no state where all our laws break down. According to the no boundary condition, the universe would be completely self-contained. It is not affected by anything outside itself. It behaves like energy or matter, means it is neither created nor destroyed.

            I want to clear that space-time should be finite without any boundary is just a proposal only. This can’t be predicted from another theory. It may initially be put forward for metaphysical reasons, but the real test is whether it makes predictions that agree with observations. This is difficult to determine the case of quantum gravity, for two reasons. First, we are not yet sure exactly which theory successfully combine general relativity and quantum mechanics, though we know quite a lot about the form such a theory must have. Second, any model that described the whole universe in detail would be too complicated and mathematically for us to be able to calculate sure predictions. So one can only predict approximations. So the problem of extracting predictions always remains a difficult one.

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