How the galaxies were born

How the galaxies were born


                Hello friends welcome in the Cosmic Empire. This blog is mainly on how the galaxies were born in the early universe.  
           Few hours after the big bang, the production of helium stopped. The universe would have got expanding for next million years. The temperature also decreased thousand degrees. So electrons and nuclei had lost their electromagnetic field. They would have started combining to form an atom.           

             Our universe would have continued expanding and cooling. Some of the regions in the universe would have got dense. Their high gravitational force would have prevented them from expanding that’s why they would have eventually stopped expanding and started collapsing again. As you know that the gravity, pull of the matter, would have also generated there. It would have pulled to matter outside. In such condition the path will become spiral*(You can see explanation below) and it would start rotating. I want to highlight one thing that the smaller the region will, the higher speed it apply to rotate. So when the regions get smaller enough, they will be able to balance both forces (Gravitational force and Gravitational pull). In this way the galaxies were born.  
          According to scientists, there are three kinds of galaxies in our universe-
         1. Spiral (80%)
        2. Elliptical (17%)
        3. Irregular (3%)

*Note- The two forces, gravitational force and gravitational pull can work in three types. You can see in fig (1), (2) and (3).

a. In fig (1) both the forces are working parallel towards each other. Such kind of galaxies becomes elliptical. In such a condition none of them can overcome.

b. In fig (2), gravitational force chooses another way to go to the centre and gravitational pull works straight so they both can work properly and they make a spiral shape like fig 4.

c. In the case of fig (3), you can simply understand. It is just like fig(2). These galaxies are also spiral.
     So it was the blog. I hope you may learn something. It was the part of hot big bang theory.

                                                                  -Thank You                                                                                    


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