The Electromagnetic Force

The Electromagnetic Force

            Hello friends, in this blog, we will study about the electromagnetic force which works between two charges. I think you should know about its name – moving electric charges produce magnetic effect and electric charges are forced by magnetic area. Thus, this force has been named as electromagnetic force. It is the strongest force in all four forces.          
             The electromagnetic force is a kind of gravitational force but it works for quantum particles [i.e. electron, proton etc] but not with gravitons. For a certain speed, it is 1036 times greater than the gravitational force.

            If the particles have same charge [ positive – positive or negative – negative], it will work as a repulsive force. Electromagnetic force causes by the exchange of photons. Photons are the virtual particles, which have spin 1. Spin 1 particles are like arrows [fig (1)]. It means the photons are like the arrow which looks different in every direction in spite of 360° angle, if one rotates it.
             Before moving forward, I want to tell you how the photons take birth. In short, when an electron gets energy, it leaves its orbit and goes in another orbit of high energy. After some time this electron release its energy as photons and come again in a low energy state. You can understand very well by figures. 
          We can see many examples of electromagnetic force in our daily life. Like, suppose, a brick is put on a table, you know that brick exerts downward force on table because of gravitational force and the table also exerts upward force on the brick. This reaction is nothing but an electromagnetic force. Tension on the rope and the force on spring are examples of electromagnetic force. We can’t lift even a feather in the absence of electromagnetic force.         
             So friends, we have learnt about electromagnetic force today. This force is very important because without this force we will surly unable to lift anything.

                                                                                         -Thank You


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