Unanswered questions of the Universe

Unanswered questions of the Universe

1. Why was the early universe so hot?
                  According to the hot big bang theory, our early universe had too much temperature. Universe existed in a point with too much density. But if one asks why the universe was so hot, we are blank.

2. Why does the universe look same in all directions? Why is the universe so uniform? Why is the temperature same in whole universe?

                   Hot big bang theory says when the big bang would have occurred, universe started expanding with so high speed that even light had not enough time to reach from one point to another. And according to the theory of relativity, if light is unable to go from one point to another, no other information can. So how can the temperature be same? Some people give a suggestion that the universe was started with same temperature. It t means, universe had already same temperature when the big bang occurred. But it is an unexplained suggestion.

3. Why does the universe expand at a certain critical speed [Friedmann’s first assumption]?

                     According to the Friedmann’s first assumption, universe is expanding at a certain critical speed. And it will expand forever with the same speed. If its expansion rate after big bang had been smaller by even one part in hundred thousand million million, the universe would have recollapsed before it reached its present size.

4. Although our universe was uniform in a large scale but it has many irregularities. Actually star and galaxies developed in these irregularities. Irregularities mean difference in density of different reasons. So our question is what was the origin of these density fluctuations?

                     These are some questions which are still unanswered. None theory can predict solutions of these questions because our theories work in a flat space-time while at the singularity, the curvature of space-time was infinite.
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