The Inflationary Model

The Inflationary Model


           The inflationary model of the universe was published by Alan Guth from MIT.  

              When the hot big bang theory published, we found so many difficulties about the universe. If you want to read such difficulties click here. In order to avoid such difficulties with the very early stages of the hot big bang model, the inflationary model was published.

               According to this theory the early universe might have had the period of very rapid, or exponential, expansion. This expansion is said to be inflationary- an analogy with the inflation in prices that occurs to a great or lesser in every country.
                  Guth suggested that the universe started out from big bang very hot. One would expect that at such high temperatures, the strong and weak nuclear forces would all be unified in one force, as was described in grand unified theory. As universe expanded, it would cool, and particle’s energy would go down. All the forces would become different. Guth suggested that the temperature might drop below a critical value without the symmetry (order) between forces being broken. In such condition, the universe would have had a huge amount of energy and an unstable state, with more energy than if the symmetry had been broken. This extra energy can be shown to have an antigravitational effect. It would act just like a cosmological constant.
                   In this case the universe would already be expanding.  The repulsive effect of this cosmological constant would therefore have made the universe expand at an ever increasing rate. Even in regions where there were more matter particles than average, the gravitational attraction of the matter would have been outweighed by the repulsion of the effective cosmological constant. Thus, these regions would also expand in an accelerating inflationary manner.
                   As the universe expanded, the matter particles got farther apart. One would be left with an expanding universe that contained hardly any particles. It would still be in the supercooled state, in which the symmetry between the forces is not broken. Any irregularities in the universe would simply have been smoothed out by the expansion, as the marks in the balloon smoothed away when one blow it up.

                  The idea of inflation could also explain why there is so much matter in the universe. Where did all the particles come from? Quantum theory says that the particles can be created by the energy which pairs of particles and antiparticles contain. You can question where did the energy come from? But you should remember that the total energy of our universe is exactly zero. The matter is made of positive energy. And as you know, our universe is expanding, it means the whole universe is working against the gravitational force. So we can say that gravitational force has negative energy. And total sum of these energies is zero.


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