Views and Theories against Big bang

Views and Theories against Big bang 
                       Hello friends, in this blog you will get to know about steady state theory and other proposals against the big bang theory. So let’s start-  

              You know very well that the big bang theory tells us about the time has a beginning. But Christianity didn’t believe on it. So people were against this theory. A scientific theory was also published later which gained a widest support. This theory is called “the steady state theory”. Let’s discuss it-

The steady state theory- This theory was published by Hermann Bondi, Thomos Gold and Fred Hoyle in 1948. Hermann Bondi and Thomos Gold were the two refugees from Nazi-occupied Austria. Fred Hoyle had worked with them on the development of radar during the war.  
           According to this theory the new galaxies are always taking form between the gaps of the other galaxies which were going away from each other. The galaxies takes form by the help of matter that was being continually created that’s why the universe always looks same from every place. It suggested another prediction that the similar objects should be in the same number in any given volume of space. And all places should follow this rule whenever one looks in the space. In another sense, this theory predicted that the universe had always the same density as today. But some practical proved that the universe was much dense in the past. So we had to abandon this theory.
              Another attempt to avoid the big bang theory, was made by two Russian scientists, Evgenii Lifshitz and Issac Khalatnikov, in 1963. According to them, the big bang might be a peculiarity of Friedmann’s model alone which after all only approximations to the real universe. In real universe the galaxies are not just moving away from each other, they also have small sideways velocities. So in reality they need never have been all at exactly the same place, only very close together. They later realized that there was a much more general class of Friedmann-like models that did have singularities, and in which the galaxies did not have to be moving any special way. They therefore withdrew their claim in 1970.
            So, I hope you may like the blog. If you have any question, you can contact in facebook.
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