Friedmann’s second assumption about Bigbang theory

Friedmann’s second assumption about Bigbang theory

                 Hello friends, welcome to the Cosmic Empire. Today we will describe Friedmann’s second assumption which is – “The universe might look the same from any place of it.”
                 Friends, you all can believe in the assumption if only you have sympathy with Friedmann. As you know we are unable to leave our earth now. So how can we prove the assumption? Friedmann worked a lot to prove this assumption and find out the fact that our universe is expanding and galaxies are going apart from each other (This fact was already found by Hubble). Scientists made three models from this fact. The models have been described below-
            A. In fig(1), you can see our universe starts from a point. When it is expanding, it’s speed is very slow because of gravitational effect of galaxies. When gravitational force becomes greater than speed of expanding, it starts collapsing again. And finally happens a big crunch.

           B. Fig(2) shows that universe is expanding but it’s speed is so high that gravitational force of galaxies is unable to stop it. And universe will expand forever.

           C. In fig(3), our universe is expanding at the speed which is enough to nullify gravitational force of galaxies.

            You can see one thing is common in all models that universe has evolved from one point which is called singularity. This is the fact which makes the Bigbang theory. Singularity was the point of infinite density. Infinite density means zero. In singularity our all physics laws break itself because our all physics and mathematics laws work in a smooth or nearly flat space-time but in singularity the curvature of space-time is infinite so they break here.


              I hope you may have understood Friedmann’s second assumption. We will discuss about space-time in out next blog.
                                                                                          -Thank you


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