Formation of Star after Bigbang

Formation of Star after Bigbang
                   Hello friends, welcome in the cosmic empire. In this blog we will learn about formation of a star in the early universe. So let’s start-

            When big bang happened and galaxies were born, the hydrogen and helium gas in the galaxies would break in smaller clouds. These clouds would start contracting under their own gravity. Their density would increase so the temperature would also increase. After some time when it would hot enough, it would start fusion reaction. The atom of hydrogen would convert into helium due to fusion. The heat given off by fusion, would increase the pressure which would stop the clouds from contracting. The heat would give off as light. All clouds would remain stable in this state. This state is called a star. But a massive star would need more temperature to balance its gravitational force. So it would run out its fuel very soon. According to calculations such stars lives for hundred million years. The helium of the star would convert into heavier element like oxygen and would release more energy. After that their central region would start contracting. The outer region of the star would get blown off in a tremendous explosion. The central region of the star would become dense enough to make it neutron star or black hole.

Life Cycle of a Star: I think you should learn something about the life cycle of star. Here I will tell you in short.

       Stars are such astronomical bodies which emits light and heat regularly. In a star there is 70% Hydrogen,28% Helium, 1.5% Carbon and other elements. There are three colors of a star- red, white and blue. This color depends on the temperature of a star.
             A star takes birth from Nebulas. Nebulas are the clouds of helium and hydrogen.
                So this was the blog. We will publish another blog on life cycle of a star later.                                            
                                                                                        Thank You


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