Grand Unified Theory

Grand Unified Theory

          Hello friends, I have very interesting topic for you, Grand Unified Theory.This theory combine all the forces of our nature in spite of gravity. Let's start our topic-        
             Friend, when the physicists observe the universe and work on their theories, they have to use so many rules. So they always want the summary of the rules. Summary means, they always want a united theory which consists some theories. Scientists did a number of attempts for the unification of electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force with strong nuclear force. They provide this theory (GUT) as a result of their work. Although this theory is not completely unified theory yet it may be a big step towards a fully unified theory.


         The strong nuclear force gets weaker at high energies. And electromagnetic and weak nuclear become strong at high energy. It means, there must be a state [energy] where these three forces would have same strength. This energy is called grand unification energy. According to this theory, different kinds of spin ½ particles would be same at grand unification energy.

         The value of grand unification energy is not surly known but it would have to be at least a thousand million GeV. Even particle accelerators of modern age can accelerate particles at energy of 100 GeV. The machine, that is required for grand unification theory should be as large as our solar system. However, the electromagnetic and weak unified theories create another way to be tested at low energy. One more thing, GUTs do not include the force of gravity. Actually this force does not matter too much. You know well that the gravitational force is the weakest force of all the four force. So, its effect can be neglected when we are dealing with other force of atom. However, this is gravity that is responsible for the evolution of our universe because gravity decides the size and the density of body. Gravity makes the stars collapsed and creates amazing bodies like black holes from such collapsing.

Friends, GUTs solve many unanswered questions like-

 Why is the number of quarks and antiquarks not equal in our universe?
Now let’s discuss: The number of antiquarks is less than the number of quarks in the universe. While universe was got started with the same number of quarks and antiquarks. This difference of numbers is a kind of bane for us because if the both numbers were same, quarks and antiquarks would have annihilated each other left the universe filled with radiation. GUTs allow quarks to change into anti electrons at high energy. Antiquark and anti electrons can also change into electrons and quarks. When the big bang occurred, there was a time when it was hot enough to transform the particles.

I hope, you may like the post. If you have any question, you can
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                                                                     -Thank You     


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