Gravitational Force

Gravitational Force         
             Hello friends, in this blog you will get to know about gravitational force. This force acts among all particles of the universe. Its range is infinite. Gravitational force plays a very important role in wide events of the universe like formation of stars and galaxies and their development etc.
           As you know there are four kinds of forces in our nature- Gravitational force, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force. This is the universal force. Every particle of nature feels the gravitational force. It is the weakest force of nature of the nature but it affects the things which are far away. One more interesting thing about gravitational force is that it is always attractive.
               If you add up two things, you will find the range of gravity higher. Suppose, the range of gravitational force of the earth is R and another body has mass m[fig(1) & fig(2)]. So according to Newton’s law-  

            Now we can see, the range becomes greater after adding up the mass. You should notice that the force  will become same for both conditions because the both go much further.

                Well, according to quantum physics, the particles that are responsible for gravitational force are called gravitons. Gravitons have spin 2. Spin 2 is like a double headed arrow [fig(3)]. It looks the same if one rotates in 180° angle. These particles are mass less. So they carry the force further. Suppose, there are two bodies that are affecting each other due to their gravity, it means that the gravitons are exchanging between them. Real gravitons make up gravitational waves. We will discuss about it in any other blog.

              You know, gravitons are the only particles of the four others that are not detected yet. We study about it according to theories.
              You should know that the gravitational law of Newton has already been broken by Einstien’s general theory of relativity. But we study this law in our syllabus because even today this law works properly for general experiments.
                I hope you may like the blog.
                                                                                            -Thank You 


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