
Showing posts from November, 2018

Friedmann's first assumption about The BigBang Theory

               Friedmann's first assumption about The BigBang Theory             Hello friends, welcome to The Cosmic Empire, I am going to describe “Friedmann’s first assumption”.This assumption gives a complete result which is known as The BIG BANG Theory.                       Friedmann made two assumptions about the universe. The assumptions were – “The universe looks same whichever direction you see it” and the second one is “The first assumption supports everywhere in the universe”.                      In 1965 two American physicists Penzias and Wilson were testing a microwave detector. The microwave detector was covering more noise than it ought to. They ruled out many malfunctions in the detector and also find out the fact that the more extra noise causes by the atmosphere because the light travels a great distance after getting in the atmosphere. But it was same in each direction.                        As you see in the figure, the length L is greater